- Are you looking for a fantastic 12-month commitment that allows you to grow and serve at Area level?
- Would you enjoy helping the Area acquire, negotiate and facilitate all of the area events at a variety of locations?
- Are you open to offering committee and member support as well as serve NCWSA?
- The opportunity is here to serve as the NCWSA FACILITIES COORDINATOR! This position will be open beginning January 1, 2023.
- NCSWA Open Area Positions
Speaker Meeting Tech Support Needed
We are looking for a technical support backup person to run the audio-video console equipment at the Monthly Speaker Meeting. If you or someone you know has audio/video console experience (or would like to learn) and would like to help, please let us know using this form.
Electronic Reimbursement Requests
You can now submit reimbursement requests electronically, in addition to submitting them by US Mail. Use the Services & Support pull-down menu > Forms & Guidelines > District 14 Reimbursement Request.
New Service Opportunity – Zoom Host / Tech Advisor
District 14 has a new service position. Zoom Host / Tech Advisor.
The Zoom Host / Tech Advisor is responsible for running remote District 14 business-related meetings. The Zoom Host / Tech Advisor will also provide technical advice and suggestions to the District for current and future remote and hybrid meetings, and other electronic communications topics as may arise. For more details on this position, download the service guidelines.
If you’re ready to stand for election, simply attend the next District Business Meeting via Zoom or send an inquiry via the contact form.
Note that this is a temporary position.
Newcomer Resources
Welcome, Newcomer! Newcomers that are participating in temporary electronic meetings can receive newcomer-related information through these links:
- Receive a newcomer welcome and information from the Al-Anon World Service Office by entering your email at this link: al-anon.org/welcome
- There are a number of sample chapters of Al-Anon literature on al-anon.org: https://al-
anon.org/for-members/members- resources/literature/feature- publications/ - There are a variety of free downloadable options: https://al-anon.org/
for-members/members-resources/ literature/downloadable-items/ - There is a slogans page: https://al-anon.org/for-
members/members-resources/ literature/al-anon-slogans/ - The Member
sBlog: https://al-anon.org/for-members/members- resources/member-blog/ which is also available for use for any Al-Anon meeting. - There are excerpts from the Forum magazine here: “The Forum” Magazine Stories
- The 2020 Al-Anon Faces Alcoholism magazine is available here: https://al-anon.org/for-
members/members-resources/ literature/magazines/afa- magazine/ -
Al-Anon and Alateen public service announcements can be found at the following links: